
Completed: Range Questions 6-9

A. Analytic Geometry

Straight Line

1.10 Algebraic Expressions _ straight line.pdf

Quadric Surface (Circle)

1.6 circle center.pdf

Quadric Surface (SPHERE)

Ncees Question 1.pdf
Untitled spreadsheet


2.3 Logarithmic identities .pdf

Algebra of Complex Numbers (Sum)

2.13 sum of complex number.pdf
Sum of Complex Numbers

Algebra of Complex Numbers (Product)

2.14 Product of complex numbers.pdf
Product of Complex Numbers

Tangent of a Right Triangle


1.1 tangent of a right triangle .pdf
Tangent of a right triangle

Trigonometry using a Right Triangle

1.11 Trigonometry identities .pdf
Trigonometry CSC

Law of Sines and Cosines

1.2 Trigonometry .pdf
Law of Cosines and Sines

Trig Identities 1

1.4 Trigonometry Identities .pdf

Trig Identities 2

1.15 Trigonometric Identity.pdf

Circular Segment 1

1.8 Circular Segment .pdf
Circular Segment

Circular Segment 2

1.9 Circular segment .pdf
Circular Segment

Circular Sector

1.12 Circular Sector.pdf
Circular Sector

Right Circular Cone

1.14 Surface Area of a Circular Cone.pdf

Conic Sections Case 2. Ellipse

1.7 Noncircular ellipse .pdf

Conic Sections Case 4. Circle

1.5 Conic Section_ Case 4.pdf
Case 4. Circle

Conic Section Equation

1.13 Conic Section Equations .pdf

B. Calculus

The Derivative (Absolute Minimum and Maximum Values)

3.4 minimum and maximum .pdf

The Derivative (Absolute Maximum Values)

3.7 maximum .pdf

The Partial Derivative 1

3.2 partial derivatives .pdf

The Partial Derivative 2

3.12 partial derivative .pdf

L'Hospital's Rule

3.11 limits.pdf

Derivatives 1

3.1 derivatives.pdf

Derivatives 2

3.9 Derivatives .pdf

Derivatives 3 (Chain Rule)

3.13 Derivatives.pdf

Indefinite Integrals 1

3.3 area bounded by the curves.pdf

Indefinite Integrals 2

Ncees question 2.pdf

Indefinite Integrals 3

3.8 Integral.pdf

Geometric Progression

2.2 Geometric Progession.pdf

Power Series

2.4 power series .pdf

Gradient (Vector Calculus)

3.5 Vector Calculus .pdf

 Maximum Slope (Vector Calculus)

3.10 maximum slope.pdf

C. Ordinary Differential Equations 

First-Order Linear Homogeneous DE with Constant Coefficients 1

4.1 Differential Equations .pdf

First-Order Linear Homogeneous DE with Constant Coefficients 2

Ncees Question 4 (Differential Equations).pdf

First-order linear Homogeneous DE with Constant Coefficients 3

4.8 DE with initial conditions.pdf

Second-Order Linear Homogeneous DE with Constant Coefficients 1

4.6 second order DE.pdf

Second-Order Linear Homogeneous DE with Constant Coefficients 2

4.3 second order linear homogeneous DE with constant coefficient .pdf

Second-Order Linear Homogeneous DE with Constant Coefficients 3

4.4 second differential equation .pdf

Complementary Solution for a Differential Equation

4.5 complementary solution for DE.pdf

Second Order Linear Difference Equation

Fibonacci number sequence

4.10 Fibonacci number Sequence.pdf

D. Linear Algebra

System of Simultaneous Linear Equation

2.6 system of equations .pdf

Matrices Inverse [ ]^-1

2.7 inverse of matrix .pdf

Length (magnitude) of the Resultant Vector

2.5 magnitude of the resultant vector.pdf
Magnitude of the Resultant Vector

Angle Between Two Vectors

2.10 Angle between two vectors .pdf
Angle Between Two Vectors 1

Dot Product

2.11 angle between two vectors.pdf
Angle Between Two Vectors

Cross Product and Magnitude

NCEES question 5.pdf

Resultant Force Vector

2.12 Magnitude of resultant force vector.pdf
Magnitude of Vectors 2


The sum of two vectors is called Resultant

2.1 Resultant .pdf

E. Numerical Methods

Newton's Method for Root Extraction 1

5.2 Newtons method.pdf

Newton's Method for Root Extraction 2

5.5 Newtons Method.pdf

Numerical Integration (Trapezoidal Rule)

Ncees question 3.pdf

Euler's Approximation (Numerical Solution of ODE)

5.3 Euler’s Approximation.pdf

F. Algorithm and Logic Development


Ncees question 6.pdf